By Derico Williams '12 and Neiah Williams '12
Looking for a movie next time your on Netflix or Blockbuster? If you come across Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen be careful. Despite its high box office totals and word of mouth, this movie isn't for everyone.
Transformers was directed by Michael Bay and its runtime was one hundred and fifty minutes. The movie was released on June 24, 2009. The movie is categorized as an action/ adventure movie, its box office was $402,076,689. The movie starred Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, and Tyrese Gibson.
Most scenes made no sense at all, for example, most science fiction movies have already made it clear aliens are impervious to human technology. However, you constantly see the robots being killed by the military’s simplistic weapons. The movie downplayed the intelligence of humans and greatly increased that of the robots. The first 30 minutes in, wasn’t all bad, after that however it became very droll. The storyline became stupid and hard to follow.
My kid sister could have acted an improv better than the actors/actresses in the movie. The movie turned out to have a silver lining however: Megan Fox. This beautiful young actress was able to bring the puppet-like acting of the human cast back to life. Ironic, outside of Ms. Fox, the robots had more acting skills than the actors/actresses. The movie wasn’t all terrible dialogue and life-less acting. The auto-bots and the parents of Shia LaBeouf were effectively used for comedy relief. One particular scene, was when Shia Lebouf”s mother, became high after eating a pot brownie, divulging an intimate moment between Fox and LaBeouf. Another positive about the movie is the dialogue of the auto-bots. They speak a variety of accents, from British to Hip-Hop.
I will give Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen a 7.5/10 star rating. You’ll like this movie if you’re a person that likes watching movies about robots. The Main robots in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen are auto bots, Optimus Prime, Bumble Bee, Megatron, and Skid & Mudflap. The auto bots are the main robots in the movie they bring the life and excitement out of the movie. Optimus prime is the leader of the auto bots; he can transform himself into Peterbilt truck. Bumble bee is the cool auto bots; he can transform himself into a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro. Megatron and Optimus prime are brothers, Megatron is an evil Decepticon. He and Optimus prime cant stand one another because Megatron wants to be the ruler of everything. Skid & Mudflap are twin teenage auto bots, who transforms themselves into a Chevrolet beat and Trax Concept. Skid & Mudflap brings the comic out of the movie because they’re always getting beat up, and cracking jokes about people. You’ll dislike this movie if you’re not a fan of robots, hate comedy, or a person that doesn’t like action or adventure movies.